WYRED: Night of 1000 Babies
Love is in the air, flowers are in bloom (almost anyway), and it's that time to let that special someone finally know... you're pregnant. With twins. Actually. A 1000 Babies SO COME CELEBRATE THIS VALENTINE'S SEASON with your favorite gang of girls and ghouls and see WYRED! Bring a friend and be eligible for a very special cocktail called "The Lovebirds" (developed by Barbie Wyre) for one night only! It'll be a night to remember (at least for 18 years)! Come alone and try our other drink special, "Tainted Love" (also developed by Barbie Wyre) This is an all ages drag/ alternative performance variety show, with some of the newest and/or coolest performers Memphis has to offer! Doors open at 5:30, show starts at 6! It's $6 at the door, be sure to invite yo friends, share the page, and wear a condom!