WYRED: April Meteor Showers
Do you believe in aliens? Well, they're here... and they are READY FOR THE RUNWAY! Come on out and see a drag show theme that is so obvious yet so rarely done, and watch all your favorite local and up and coming performers at Growlers on Wednesday, April 18th! That's right, say it with me, DRAG! IN! SPACE! Doors open at 8, show starts at 9! $5 door fee, and This is a 17+ event, but come hungry and ready to boogie oogie because we're gonna have some awesome music from Memphis' very own Norza and great food at the Growlers venue! (have you had their fries?!?) Hosted by Barbie Wyre A'damn, with performers Whorticia A'Damn, Nero A'Damn, Alexis kelley, Helena Homewrecker, Shanice Cassandra, Jake Adams, and Al Nitelong! It's gonna be a great time, be there or be /abducted/